Selasa, 24 Februari 2009

Pertamina Geothermal Produced 10 MWe Geothermal in Lampung Site

Bandar Lampung - PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) has been produced geothermal electric power on 10 MWe from well production test UBL 3, villages Ulubelu, Tanggamus District, Lampung Province Wednesday November 19th 2008.

This production is one of their first step plan to developing geothermal industry in this area, where this site aproximately has potensial reach about 300 MWe.This Well (UBL 3) is one of 15 wells at Ulubelu Region to produce electric suply untill 2×55 MWe.

For the first step PT PGE will suply geothermal power to PT PLN Power Plan at PLTP unit 1 & 2. The next step project will be totaly controled by PT PGE.

UBL 3 Well has dip direction well about 2320 mku (meter size dip), temperature reservoir 260 °C with resevoar type dominated by water. Drilling for this well begun on March 31th 08 and finish on May 31th 2008, by using local expert.

PT PGE is amember company under PT Pertamina (persero) with their bussines in Management of Geothermal Energy.PT PGE produced electric about 252 MWe from Kamojang geothermalfield, Lahendong, Sibayak. Today PT PGE has been exploring in many region such as Lumut Balai (South Sumatra), HuluLais (Bengkulu), Sungai Penuh (Jambi). Expecting target in 5 year ahead PT PGE will produce 800 MWe.

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