Jumat, 11 Juni 2021

Energy, Process, All Universe Regularity, Science Formula, and The Important of The Existance of The owner of Total Energy in Total AllRoom/System.

Energy, Process, All Universe Regularity, Science Formula, and The Important of The Existance of The owner of Total Energy in Total AllRoom/System.

Writer : Harlin Pasili Ansori ST. MT.
12 June 2021.

Energy is Capability to do work or Process.
In The All System, The Summary of Total Energy is always Static in every dot of Time Line.
so :

Sum E a = Sum E b
Sum : Summary
E = Energy
a : at before the Process
b : at after the Process

Code that some accumulation can be claimed as Energy, it must have owner, because energy is a Capability.

Sum E a = Sum E b
Sum E a = N a
Sum E b = N b
Sum E a = Sum E b so
N a = N b

This regularity is the key to the discovery of many Science Formula & discovery of many Science Constanta.

N a = N b happened if

Sum E at (All total system) = Sum E bt  (All total system)
E at : Energy at Before process in All System.
E bt : Energy at After Process in All System.

Sum E at = Sum E bt
Sum E at = N at
Sum E bt = N bt

The Code that must be followed that Energy is a Capability so It must have an owner.

So we set as Variable X:
X a : Summary of Owner of all E at (Total Energy in All System before the Process) = 1
X b : Summary Owner of all E bt.

So in the operation 
Sum E at * X at  = Sum E bt * X bt
Sum E at * 1 = Sum E bt * X bt
To accomplish this , it must follow the code 
X at = X bt
Xbt = 1.

So to make Sum all total Energy in All total system (before) is the same as after, The Value of the owner before and after is the same = One.

And this condition must be happen all the time as a term or a code for Conservation Energy Law , so the owner in all every room, systems, in all the time (time in this universe plus time in room before this universe, or we can say whole time line).

So :

X at = X bt = 1 , X must always One
So :
N at = N bt , (All total system) so :
N a = N b ( in specific system)

Without the existence of the owner of All Energy, some value can not be claimed as Energy , because energy is a form of Capability. It must have an Owner of the Capability.

So every formula Science about all Process in this modern Science, because there are Codes Al Gorythm that makes all of think in every room and every universe in total all system. In other words , there certainly All those Codes Al Gorythm are depending to the condition of owner that the summary of the Owner (X)  must in "Always One" condition  .

We write all statement as :

X at = X bt, ( X must " always One") so
X at = X bt = 1,  SO
Sum E at * X at = Sum E bt * X bt
So :
N at = N bt  (this equation that maintains all regularity, and all formula Science), So
 N a = N b , ( form of Equation in specific system).

So to maintain all formula Science that was discovered by studyng the Code Al Gorythm in Process and object, the rule of Conservation Of Energy must be achieved or maintened and it happens because The Owner of Total Energy in All System must certainly "Exist" and "Always One.

In other Word : The existence of The Owner of Total Energy in All System must always One in all time, that we can say the Subject as " The Eternally One".

Automatically we know that
The Always One, with the condition Always One , automatically maintains all of process , all Room and system & codes Al Gorythm in all process and all things , and also maintains all
Science & Formula Science in Human Knowledge.

Who is The Always One?
In Surah Al Ikhlas , Al Qur'an Al Hakim of Religion of Islam, The Always One existance, has been informed to Mankind. The Always One, He is Allah.

The Science that learns the step of Process (mechanism) , it's called as Mechanica. Mechanica always connect to the Science of Energy because Energy is Capability to do Process.

Mechanica is from the name of the born place of The Grand Great Teacher who inform and teaching people this (Mechanica) with and such as Al Gorythm Code, and The belief of the Existance of "Code Al Gorythm" in all things, about Energy always with its Owner "The Always One", and also teaching Al Gebra & Al Gorythm system for every cases with so many Mathematic model in Many Cases. That Born Place its name is Makkah.

While to understand Mechanica, people need to understand about basic Mathematic & Mathematic Modeling. Mathematic terminology It's originally from The name of That Great Grand Teacher : MATHEMAT / METHMET = Muhammad S. A. W.
He was the founder of Madinah School in Yastrib that teach Mathematic & Modeling Mathematic.

Harlin Pasili Ansori ST. MT.

Laa Hawla Wa Laa Quwata illa Billah :  Not Power nor Energy except with Allah.

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